I am running for the Brunswick County Board of Education because:
- 5 social workers for 19 schools is not enough! We need to invest in more mental health resources for our children. 55% of children in Brunswick County live in poor or low income homes.
- Turning down an offer for safe drinking water in our schools is not okay.
- Pre-K for all children needs to be a priority. 90% of a child's brain develops before the age of five. Research shows that high-quality Pre-K increases a child's chances of succeeding in school and in life.
- The Brunswick County School System needs a vocational high school. College is not for everyone. We need to build partnerships with local industries who can provide internships and we need to develop classes jointly with those industries who will then employ our graduates.
- North Carolina is 35th in the nation in teacher pay. Our teachers should not have to work extra jobs to make ends meet. We need to work with our state representatives to do better by our teachers.